What if I told you this guide contains everything you need to make money online for free? No investment, no startup capital, just credit alerts?
Selling products online is the easiest way to make money online. You don’t need to be a techie or have any experience; you just need to learn how to sell and promote whatever products you choose.
You might have heard of PLR products before and wondered what they are and how you can use them to make money. So here is a quick guide so you can get started right away.
What Is A PLR Product?
PLR means private label rights. It’s a license that allows you to reproduce, customize and resell a product. PLR products are a type of content that you can edit and resell because you bought the rights to do so, or the creator gave you free rights to promote it and keep all the profits.
There are many different PLR products, including eBooks, articles, videos, software, templates, and more. The cool thing about PLR products is that you don’t have to “waste” time creating the product or going through the legal process. Your only job is to sell it to as many people as possible.
Some private labels also permit buyers to resell the products and the “rights”. In this case, you have the right (authorship) to resell the Rights you’ve acquired from the label to other marketers. Most PLR products come with the raw file in doc formats and not only PDF, so you can edit, modify and improve the content before selling it. You can claim authorship of PLR products.
However, not all PLRs are created equally. There are three categories of PLR products: Master Resell Rights Products (MRR), Basic Resell Rights (RR), Giveaway Rights (GR), and Personal Use Only (PUO).
Master Resell Rights Products – MRRs give you full rights over your product, including copyright and branding controls and unlimited sales opportunities. These are ideal for building a long-term business around your brand name through selling your private label products online.
Basic resell rights allow you to sell a product for one time only and then resell it at another price point. You’re not allowed to make any changes or improvements to these kinds of PLRs either, but they come with additional bonuses like images and scripts that help create your product more easily.
GSR products are just like BSR, except they cannot be sold. These are meant to be given away as bonuses inside other products or to help build up your list of subscribers at no cost to them or yourself. While Personal Use Only Products are designed for personal use only and may not be redistributed in any way without permission.
The difference between PLR products and other types of content is that you can claim authorship of the content or buy the rights to sell or promote them. PLR is yours once you get a hold of it. You can sell it at any price you want, especially if you’ve added more value.
Is The PLR Business Profitable?
Yes, selling PLR products is a profitable way you can make up to 100% profits. What I like about selling PLR products is that you buy and resell. It reduces the time and cost of creating content. PLR books can be modified, customized, or used as-is.
The PLR business is very profitable if you do it right. It takes time to build up a business, but this is true of any business on the Internet. But there are many opportunities available, and anyone can make money with PLR products.
There are many different niches that you can find when selling PLR products. The niche you choose will depend on your interests and what type of items you want to sell online.
How Do PLR Ebooks Make Money?

PLR means “Private Label Rights”. These are digital products sold and distributed by the owner to multiple sellers with the personal right to resell the product and keep all profits.
And the best part is, you don’t even have to create it from scratch if you don’t want to! There are several places where you can find great PLR products that you can repackage and sell as your own.
So, how does one go about making money from selling PLR products?
If you’ve gotten a PLR ebook, video, or software and don’t know how to make money from it, this section will help you figure out how to make as much money as possible from a simple PLR product. Here’s are some of the best ways to make money from PLR products:
1. Give The Product As A Bonus To New Customers
When you are an affiliate marketer, you must stand out from other affiliates so that more people will click on your link when they land on the sales page. One way that you can do this is by offering a bonus when someone buys through your link.
You can offer the product as an incentive for people to purchase another product. You can upsell it. For example, you could offer a different version of the same product as a upsell in your funnel.
You can give away the entire product or just a few chapters in PDF format. Just make sure they know they can get the rest by buying it from you. This can result in a boost in sales and help you to sell more products with ease.
2. Sell PLR Products As A Course
If you have a PLR Product on your hands, why not turn it into a course on Udemy? The platform is one of the biggest online learning sites in the world. And with over 15 million students and 50,000 courses, it’s also one of the most popular.
Udemy is a great way to reach a massive audience and make money online with PLR products. It’s free to set up an account, but you need to pay a commission fee every time someone buys your course.
Buy more than one ebook, rebrand, and sell it as a package. The topics have to be related and, of course, high quality. Online courses sell pretty well if they’re educational.
Sell as video content: Convert the ebook into video content and sell them as videos. Better still, post them on a monetized YouTube channel. YouTube will pay you based on the views the video has.
3. Sell PLR Products On Your Blog or Site
If you have a blog or website, then there are many ways you can use private label products to make money online. You could sell them on your site or blog. You could also include the products in your member’s area or a newsletter that you send out.
This is a great way to make money online. The most successful PLR product sellers use their private label rights products on their blogs and sites to draw people in. This can be very effective, as you are giving away the content for free and then recommending that your visitors purchase the full product.
There are many ways to sell PLR products on your blog or site. You can offer the content as free articles, free reports, free downloads, free web pages, and more. This would also allow you to use the PLR as an upsell to even more high-ticket products.
4. Sell PLR Products On Your Email List
If you want to sell PLR products, then the best thing you can do is to put them on your email list. Here’s exactly how I do it: Create an opt-in page with a free report or something else that gets people to sign up for your email list. On the opt-in page, tell people that if they give you their email address, you’ll be sending them some of my PLR in the future.
You can even use my name and tell them that I will be giving you some PLR products that you can resell for profit (it’s true). If people like what you’re doing, they’ll be happy to give you their email addresses.
Email them a couple of times over the next couple of days, telling them more about yourself and asking them questions about their interests and needs. Then wait a few days and send out a special announcement, “I’ve got some great PLR products for you!” Tell them to check their inboxes and reply if they don’t get it right away.
Send the report with an autoresponder message telling them that they have. This strategy is beautiful because you create a good relationship between you and the people on your email list, but you also build trust that would allow you to sell them future offers.
5. Create An Affiliate Offer For Your PLR Product
There’s a big difference between selling a product directly from your site and selling one using an affiliate link. In the former case, people may be reluctant to make an order for one reason or the other.
In the latter case, things are different. You’ll find that most people will buy without being too hard-sold on the product. They perceive it as a recommendation from someone they know and trust. Uploading a PLR product to marketplaces like Clickbank or JVZoo, and having millions of marketers promote it for you for free, is arguably the best way to make money online free.
6. Sell PLR Products Using Paid Advertisements
If you have a really good PLR product but no customer, one of the fastest ways to get more customers is by using paid ads.
Using paid advertisements means targeting your audience and promoting your product to them. This is a very effective way of making money with PLR products.
The main advantage of paid advertisements is that they are targeted to specific audiences. You can also reach people interested in your product and its niche.
You can use paid ads like Facebook Ads or Google AdWords to advertise your PLR products. Advertise on websites that already have an established audience, such as online forums or blogs, with a large following of readers who may be interested in your product’s niche.
When you advertise on these sites, the owner will help promote your product for you, so it’s not just about buying clicks from the site but also about building relationships with other members who may end up being customers themselves later on.
7. Use Your PLR Offer To Generate And Sell Leads
You can use PLR offers to generate leads and promote your business. The first thing you need to do is find a high-quality PLR offer that suits your business niche.
Once you have found one, add your information to the document or video and make it unique to your audience. This way, you can create an ebook or video course that teaches people how they can do something specific in their business or online marketing strategy.
Rebrand and sell as your product. You can flip this business model by buying PLR content and rebranding it as your product. This is how many successful Internet marketers started – they purchased PLR products and resold them as their own. It’s an excellent way to get started if you are looking for a low-risk way to make money online without having your product idea or niche.
8. Create An Email Course With PLRs
Creating an email course is considered one of the most effective ways to sell your PLR products. All you need to do is create an outline based on your PLR content and include some additional information if necessary.
One of the best ways to make money from PLR products is to convert them into a course. You can use autoresponders like Aweber or GetResponse to deliver your course in an automated fashion. You can deliver the information in a drip-feed format over days or weeks. You could even create a monthly membership program and charge your customers a recurring monthly fee to access the courses.
Then, write an email series that will teach your subscribers something new every week. Make sure that you’re able to cover all the topics in 12 weeks or less so they won’t get bored or lose interest in what you have to offer.
9. Use PLR To Get Free Traffic To Your Website
Many people are missing out on the power of PLR. PLR allows you to take other people’s content, rebrand it as your own and use it however you like.
The reason why PLR is so powerful is that it makes it easy to get free traffic. If you have a website and want to drive traffic to it, you can use PLR content to attract visitors and make money from them.
If you are not interested in selling PLR products, you can use it as an opt-in to drive free traffic to your website and make easy money doing so. With this method, you only need to edit the content of the PLR product and upload it on your website, then send traffic from FaceBook, Pin Interest, Twitter, or any email list you can find.
You can also set up a membership site where your customers can access your content for a monthly fee
10. Use PLR To Start A Viral Giveaway
Viral Giveaways are one of the best ways to attract new customers. If you have an email list, you can send out emails announcing this giveaway along with links to social media posts or other blogs offering freebies in exchange for sharing the giveaway on their sites or in their Facebook groups. In return, they will share yours too!
This strategy works especially well if you have an existing audience because they are more likely to share your freebies with their friends and followers than someone who has no following!
How Much Can I Make From PLR?
An average PLR bundle sells for $50 to $400 per sale. If you want to make a lot of money off PLR content, you have to sell many PLR products. Imagine you sold a $5 PLR product to 100 users within a month, which is possible if the topic is in demand. You just may have earned $500.
Do you know how much you’d make if you had 50 of such content? Do the math.
How Do You Use PLR Content?
Although blogging and freelance writing are more popular ways for writers to make money, selling PLR content is very promising. You could use PLR content in many different ways to make money, and we’ll get into the details.
The PLR content comes in various forms, such as emails, ebooks, articles, or written documents. They have no copyrights, no backlinks, and no strings attached. You can even claim authorship of these contents.
Trying to figure out how to make money online selling PLR products? Here are some tips on how to use PLR products in your business:
1. You Can Use PLR Products As Ebooks
You could create an ebook on any topic from PLR content. You may have to gather different PLR articles on similar topics, extract the valuable information from them and turn it into an ebook. In some cases, you could convert a bulky PLR product into bits, turn each bit into an ebook and sell.
2. You Can Use PLR Products For Blog Posts
Blogging requires content, lots of it. Churning out fresh content for your blog every time isn’t that easy. It’s time-consuming, especially if you’re starting from scratch with no idea from anywhere. PLR articles are an excellent time-saver.
You can copy and paste the articles into your blog, add some tweaking and styling, and your blog post is ready. PLR content has been assisting bloggers forever. If you own a blog, you can also use PLR articles as a source for your blog posts. I’d recommend you change the title and do some tweaking here and there to help make the article more original and match your blogging style.
3. You Can New PLR Products In Your Newsletters or Email Content
You know about newsletters. Ever wondered about the time put into those? You may not always have the inspiration to write them; PLR products are enough inspiration. You can use them as a base for your newsletters and emails. Don’t deprive your subscribers of helpful information because of lack of content; use PLR content.
4. You Can Use PLR Digital Products For Lead Magnets
One of the best ways to use PLR is to regularly develop new lead magnets and incentives. You can start with a brief report or combine many articles into one document, add a catchy cover page, and a few links to your blog posts, and you’re done.
Using PLR as lead magnets is an excellent way to get visitors to join your mailing list. You can make a few changes to the PLR and use them to spice things up on your blog or website. Adding a new lead magnet now and again is an easy method to ensure your list keeps growing. Use them in package sales as a bonus on membership sites, or brand them with your blog URL. It allows you to broaden your audience and attract new readers.
5. PLR Packages Can Be Used As Planners
You can use PLR content to write planners such as health and fitness planners, skincare planners, and financial planners. Many people invest in planners to help them get by in a fast-paced world, and there’s nothing wrong with that. PLR products can help you put them together.
6. PLR Products Are Excellent Affiliate Bonus
Many affiliate marketers use PLR products in their compensation offers to help them sell more of the products they are promoting. It’s giving your customers extra value from you that they won’t get from anyone else. This helps you earn a good reputation, which matters significantly in affiliate marketing.
7. Premade PLR Products Can Be Converted To Videos
Although PLR products come in written documents, you can convert them to videos by simply explaining the content while recording it. You don’t need to be in the video; you could record your screen. If it’s valuable, people will pay to watch it. And you know, videos don’t lie; you could make a lot of money selling videos.
8. PLR Can Be Converted To Courses
I find this one very interesting. Apart from ebooks, you could turn PLR articles into a system and teach them on Youtube or offline. In the same way, you read books and then train people for a fee; you could read PLR content, gather ideas, package it as a course, and sell. It’s that simple.
9. Private Label Rights Drafts Can Serve As Poetry And Stories
PLR content can be used as a source for tales and fables. If you have a hard time coming up with ideas for your next storybook, try using PLR products. There are many rich PLR storybooks; you could get many pictures.
10. PLR Products Can Be Translated And Publish As A Book
If you have a thing for languages, this is for you. Some people cherish their native language and would like books written in those languages. Notably, there aren’t many such publications. You could buy PLR content, translate and sell it to people who want it.
What is the Fastest Way to Sell PLR Products?
Viral posts on social media can be a great way to sell PLR products. If you post a link to your website, it may lead to sales. But if you can get people to share the link with their friends and family, that is even better. The more people who share your content, the more likely that someone will buy from you.
You need to create something that people want to share on social media to do this. You should also make sure that your PLR product is well-optimized to compete with other products in its niche. You should also include a call-to-action at the end of your post so that readers know what they need to do next.
How Often Do I Need To Sell PLR Articles To Be Successful?
To successfully sell PLR content, follow trends, and write on in-demand topics. When the trend changes, you follow the same, so you need to write many PLR articles. You could choose to write PLR articles weekly but know that the more content you sell, the more money you’ll make.
How to Make Money Selling PLR Products
There are many ways you can make money selling PLR products, whether in the format you got them or in another form. I understand if you are unsure how you can make money from PLR, you’ll come to a decision soon. Here are six ways to make money selling PLR products.
1. Sell On Your Blog
You should consider selling PLR products to your readers if you own a blog. You already have an audience, now go out there and search for quality PLR products. Buy, modify and sell them on your blog.
2. Sell It On An Email List
You could always build one from scratch if you don’t have an email list. Email marketing is a sales technique. Make sure the content of the email is interesting and engaging. Tell them nice things about the PLR products but don’t lie about it; they’ll buy. With this strategy, you can keep selling to the same customers repeatedly.
3. Sell It Via Sponsored Ads
Even if you don’t have a website, blog, or list of subscribers, you can still earn money with PLR products by running ads. It’s a sure way to get good sales if you know how to promote on other websites. You’ll have enough time on your hands to focus your efforts entirely on advertising and promoting the products since you won’t have to create them yourself.
There are several websites and blogs with massive traffic that you can approach to advertise on. If you’re smart enough, you may even get them to sign up as affiliates to advertise some of your PLR products and pay them commissions.
Besides traditional websites, advertising on social media platforms yields excellent results. For example, people that advertise on Facebook get a lot of conversions.
4. Sell It With Other Ebooks
Creating and selling ebooks is a great way to earn money online. Using PLR ebooks can help you create one or many ebooks to make you money. To create one ebook, you might need a collection of PLR ebooks or articles. The next thing to do after writing the ebook is to sell it.
PLR ebooks or articles will give you ideas on how to write an ebook on any topic you choose, saving you time and effort from starting from scratch.
Although there’s so much free information on the Internet, many people prefer paying to get information. They believe something valuable should come at a price. It’s up to you to package the information they need and attach a cost.
You can use this to make a lot of money. There are many topics and niches you can write ebooks on; there are equally many PLR products.
5. Sell It Like A Video
If you have PLR ebooks people need, you can convert them into video or audio. Some people are auditory learners while others are visual learners, give them what they want. This will enable you to address prospects’ demands and increase your earnings. Making money online with video and audio material forms is quite popular; look at Youtube.
If you don’t know how to edit videos, hire a freelancer to do it. There are a lot of these freelancers on sites like Upwork.com and Freelancer.com. You may have decent video or audio work done there for even less than elsewhere if you do your research.
6. Sell The Rights
Other marketers may be interested in buying PLR from you; sell them for a fee. You may provide them the right to resell the software you produced or updated. They may buy from you and resell it for up to a profit of 100%. If you have acquired resale rights from the original creators, you can make money from that too.
Skills You Need For A Successful PLR Business
Every successful business you see has someone in the background making sacrifices and gathering knowledge and skills. If you are interested in starting a PLR business, you have to do the same. Here are five skills that will help you succeed at selling PLR products.
1. Know Your Niche
Coming up with themes to write or generate content on is one of the most difficult challenges that newbie PLR sellers will encounter. Ideally, it would help if you chose a popular and in-demand niche. The goal is to sell as many copies of the PLR as possible and make money; you can only achieve this if your niche has many people looking for that content.
There is no shortage of information on body care, internet marketing, yoga, self-help, etc. These are trendy topics, people want to know how to take care of their health and body, and they want to make money from the Internet to look for new content.
Identifying trends and in-demand topics is an important skill you must possess if you go into the PLR business. There are various ways you can do it. You might go to the ClickBank marketplace and arrange the list by popularity to find the top hot topics. Alternatively, you might look at the most recent and popular PLR products and add your spin to them to create your PLR.
For example, if someone releases a PLR bundle called ‘How to care for your skin’ and becomes highly successful, you may make a comparable PLR package called ‘How to get the skin you want.’
2. Writing And Research
Your writing skills will come into play. In general, you should compose and develop your content from the PLR. There are a few reputable PLR vendors, and practically all of them produce these materials and sell them to many people. You have to put your writing skills to work so yours will stand out.
You should know that thorough research will allow you to create factually accurate and credible material. You must also write effectively for your material to be entertaining, instructive, and straightforward. Your customers want high-quality content; give it to them.
Your success in this field will be determined by your ability to provide your buyers with what they need while maintaining good profitability margins.
3. Sales And Marketing
Now here’s the tricky part; selling the products. It makes most newbies want to give up. The key to success in this situation is to conquer your mental obstacles. Stop grumbling!
Once you’ve learned how to find buyers, you’ll need to create compelling copies to sell your product. This does not have to be a skill since many sales copy templates are available that enable you to fill in the gaps and get started right away.
If you’re leveraging social media, you should be able to create good content and gain social media presence so you can sell there. You must learn to interact with your audience; it’ll be easier for them to buy what you’re selling if they trust you. You can also make sales by telling those on your email lists about your PLR product.
Youtube is there too. Learn a thing or two about video creation and monetization, and you’ll be good to go.
4. Use Your Products
This isn’t a skill, but it’s essential in this business. The content you’re dishing out should be something you would pay for. Put yourself in your customers’ shoes. Would you buy this? This will also guide you when purchasing PLR products you want to resell; you’ll aim for only high-quality content and nothing less.
Can I Use PLR Products On My Website?
Yes, you can, but there’s a downside to it. We can’t deny the fact that PLR products are time-saving and convenient. However, there may be severe consequences if you use PLR content on your website.
We have highlighted a few reasons you should be cautious with PLR content.
There is practically no plagiarism-free PLR product available. Unfortunately, most of the content you buy as PLR is just recycled information with a different title. Google is firmly against plagiarized content, and if such appears on your website, it will be taken down.
To make your content stand out after acquiring it, you’d have to modify and improve it by adding more content and value. Most people only use PLR content as a base for blog posts, website content, emails, and newsletters and not the content itself. It’s better that way.
Almost every content portal sells the same material to several persons. The creator of the PLR content you bought has sold the same to thousands of other people. Some sites restrict the quantity you may believe, but even so, there are dozens of copies available online.
Assume someone buys a copy of an ebook from your site for $10 and then discovers the same ebook on another site for $5 or free. Crazy right? One PLR product has thousands of copies, and that is duplicate content. Do you know who hates that? Google. They may flag your site for the same material, or others may accuse you of plagiarism.
Do a lot of research and obtain other useful information not found in the PLR. Write your content and pick only what is helpful from the PLR. Never use them as-is on your website.
PLR products are time-saving and convenient. We enjoy using them but reselling them is even better. It’s highly profitable. You could sell them on blogs, websites, social media, and even through paid ads. However, you have to modify and add more value before selling them.